And then, maybe I can be a woman who loves fiercely, who gives freely, who forgives loyally, who surrenders easily, and who trusts patiently.
With all that said, I pray that if nothing else, I'll be a woman of....
Radical compassion (When I was in Africa for that month in high school, one of my friends coined this term, and it has stuck with me all these years. Radical compassion means not just human sympathy, but a deep understanding that has the ability to change your life, as well as the life of those around you.)
A gentle spirit (1 Peter 3:4. Like the godly women of old, may I have the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.)
Steadfast strength (Life is really difficult. It's downright painful and confusing sometimes. But I don't want to crumble. I hope that I'll be a woman who chooses to keep going, finding a refuge under great and mighty wings, in the shadow of a rock shelter. I want to trust God's existence and his faithfulness to me, and I want to mirror His steadfast lovingkindness.)
A tranquil heart (Proverbs 14:30. I want to be at peace with myself, with others during my whole life. A heart at peace gives life to the body. I can bask in the fact that I have a God to whom I can pour out the angst in my heart, and that He'll refill me again and again.)
Wise discernment (I hope I'll learn from every mistake, always have a teachable attitude, never be afraid to ask forgiveness, take responsibility for my actions, and change for the better as I grow older. I hope that I'll never stop seeking wisdom and learning to hear God's voice.)
Joyous nature (I want to always find things to be happy about. Because if I've learned anything in the last few years, it's that true joy has to be worked for, but you can manage to find it in any circumstance. Because God is good.)
Thoughtful words (James 1:19. I want to speak kindly and honestly, with integrity and with encouragement. I want to be slow to anger, quick to listen, gracious in speech.)
And I know that I have and will consistently fall short of these things. So why even try? I've had that thought a lot lately. I'm ridiculously human, and it makes me mad. But, I guess the fact is that while I'm here on earth, I'm going to fall short. The beauty of loving God is that He loves me regardless, so it's not about the actions. I've come to realize that the closest I get to heaven on earth is by pursuing Him, right? And He is faithful to find me, protect me, save me, guide me, change me. And that's what I want. So, by seeking God, hopefully I'll start to look more and more like Him. Psalms says, "Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous. Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice. Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear."