Monday, January 12, 2009

A person who is obsessed with Jesus...

"-Is raw with God. She does not attempt to mask the ugliness of her sins or her failures. An obsessed person doesn't put it on for God; He is her safe place where she can be at peace.
-Has an intimate relationship with God. She is nourished by God's Word throughout the day because 40 minutes on Sunday is not enough, especially with the distractions of the week.
-Is more concerned with her character than with comfort. She knows that true joy doesn't depend on circumstances; it is a gift from God that must be chosen and cultivated.
-Knows that the best thing she can do is be faithful to her Savior in every aspect of her life and is continually saying "thank you" to God. She knows that there can never be intimacy if she is always trying to work to be worthy. She revels in her role as child and friend of God.
-Thinks about heaven frequently and orients her life around eternity, not just what is there in front of her
-Is known as a giver, not a taker. She genuinely thinks that others matter as much as she does and is aware of those around the world.
-Is more concerned with obeying God than doing what is expected
-Knows that pride is always a battle and that she can never be humble enough. She seeks to make herself less known and Christ more known.
-Does not consider service a burden, but a joy to love God by loving His people"

By Francis Chan in Crazy Love

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