Saturday, January 24, 2009

broken cycle

questioning gets you nowhere does it. questions are left with no answers and no one to answer them. why is thinking so painful and learning such a process. why is fighting exhausting and at times seems so pointless. i guess its because it leaves you wondering if it was really worth fighting for. how do we tell when we are falling and holding on to a blind emotion. how do we know when it wont all be in vain. it wont come to nothing. it will instead have the outcome we are dreaming of, hoping for, fighting for. aren’t we all just sick of the mundane? the let down. but still we let down. we settle. and when unhappiness inevitably comes, we wonder why. we all wish for the difference. the person that will make the difference. a time when change comes. when happiness doesn't rest in people or places. because people let you down. haven’t we learned that yet? they lie, bitch, gossip, judge...and thats just on a monday. but then comes another question i have to ask. why do we end up doing the things we hate the most? we hate liars but how many times have we twisted truth. we hurt the ones we love the hardest. we give our time to people who don’t give it back. hand our hearts to those who end up breaking it. judge those who are judging us. hate those who have what we want. and wish to lash back at the person who latest lashed at us. then comes a cascading effect of one hurting person getting back at another. a line of broken people is the outcome. if only this process could somehow, some way stop sooner.

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